Explore the Unseen Profits of Digitizing Your Art

Explore the Unseen Profits of Digitizing Your Art

Get Procreate App for Windows PC and Laptop for Free


Embracing Digital Art Platforms

Long gone are the days where artists are limited to traditional mediums like canvas, paper, or clay. Now, we have a myriad of digital tools at our disposal, enabling us to create art in ways that weren't possible before. Notably, the rise of digital art platforms like Procreate has revolutionized the artistic landscape, providing new opportunities for artists everywhere.

Benefits of Going Digital

There's a wealth of reasons to embrace digital art creation. One of the major benefits is the ability to effortlessly revise and tweak your work. With a digital application, you're not imperatively tied to your first stroke of brush – you can endlessly experiment, undo, and redo, till your piece reaches perfection. Don’t let the initial investment into a tablet and software discourage you, because in the long run, you’ll find that you save a lot on materials.

Exploring Procreate

Among the myriad of digital art apps, Procreate holds a significant position. Its intuitive interface, seamless performance, and remarkable features draw both professionals and hobbyists. Despite the many alternatives available in the market, none of these can fully mimic Procreate’s special features such as smudge tool, wet paint mode and a wide variety of brushes. But remember, while Procreate is a paid app, it's not inaccessible – there are ways to get Procreate for free, providing you with all the benefits it has to offer without the upfront cost.

Making Money with Digital Art

The Art of Selling Prints

Digital files of your artworks can be printed and sold numerous times over. You can sell these prints directly from your website, at art fairs, through online retailers, and a lot more.

Freelance Jobs

Many businesses need graphic designers for their logos, websites, advertisements, and much more. With the right skills and portfolio, you can work on various kinds of digital art projects and get paid for it.


Your digital artwork can be applied to a wide range of products. From t-shirts, mugs, and cushions, to phone cases, there’s a massive market for custom merchandise.

License Your Work

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of selling products, you can also license your artwork. Companies might pay for the rights to use your art in their products, giving you a percentage of the profits without any of the work.

Remember, the world of digital art is vast and limitless. Don’t be afraid to explore, experiment, and create. Digital art creation is not just for those who want to go professional – it can be for anyone who wants to express themselves creatively. You never know, you might find your new favorite hobby or a rewarding career change.