The Latest Update: Exciting Features and Fixes

The Latest Update: Exciting Features and Fixes

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Renowned for its invigorating creativity, the Procreate app has recently rolled out another update, offering an array of new features and fixes designed to enhance user experience. The developers have put significant effort into making artistic creation more seamless and enjoyable, tailoring the changes to meet the needs of their diverse user base. Here's a detailed look at what you can expect from this latest update.

New Features

  • Brush Studio: The most exciting addition in this update is the Brush Studio. This powerful new feature allows users to create their own unique brushes from scratch or modify existing ones. You can now control every aspect of your brush, manipulate each stroke, design grain-source, tweak color dynamics and even animate your strokes.
  • Color Harmony: The Color Harmony feature introduces a whole new way of choosing and managing colors in your artwork. It allows users to select complementary colors, analogous colors, triadic colors, and more with ease.
  • Clone Tool: With the clone tool, users can now duplicate parts of an image anywhere on the canvas without having to copy-paste it repeatedly.
    Animation Assist: For those who enjoy animating their artwork, there's good news! The Animation Assist feature has been enhanced with onion skinning capabilities allowing you to see faint impressions of previous or next frames while drawing new ones.


  • Smoother Workflow: Several minor bugs that interrupted workflow have been addressed in this update - including a fix for unexpected app crashes during use which was reported by some users.
  • Improved Layer Management: The layer management system has been improved with better naming conventions and easier reordering.
  • Enhanced Export Functionality: Users had reported issues with exporting files in different formats; this update brings fixes ensuring smoother export functionality across all formats – JPEG, PNG, TIFF etc.
  • Streamlined Interface Issues: Some users faced issues with the interface being unresponsive or sluggish at times; these problems have been addressed in this update ensuring a consistently smooth interface experience.

Other Enhancements

  • Typography Improvements: Text handling has been enhanced including better font selection interface and additional typographic options like kerning adjustment for detailed text placement.
  • QuickMenu Customization: The QuickMenu now allows you to customize it according to your preference; you can add or remove any action from it as per your need making it an effective assistant during your creative process.
  • Canvas Preview Improvements: Canvas preview has also received attention in this update; you will now be able to view more details in the preview mode before you finalize your work.

To sum up, this Procreate app update offers an enriched experience for artists by introducing innovative features while addressing some key issues which were affecting user convenience and productivity earlier on.

Remember to keep your apps updated regularly so that you don't miss out on any new features or improvements! Happy creating!